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Spiders of W&M

Photography by Zachary Lutzky '24

Alternative Identifications by Logan Bishop '24

A Fall photoshoot of W&M's arachnid friends has never been spookier or cuter. Featuring very real, very scientific identifications that are definitely not made up.

1. A cutie patootie Amazonian
2. A white-butted Builder Bob
3. Amber Headed Spear Jockey
4. Radioactive - do not touch unless you want super powers
5. Satan
6. Hungry Boi Spider
7. Shadow Box Spider
8. Spindly Arachnid Spider

Are you somehow better at arachnid identifications than our team? Or do you have a spider-loving friend that can identify these creepy crawlies? Share this article around, and email to tell us your actual scientific identifications! We'll happily update this article and credit you with the correct identifications (alongside our alternative identifications). Happy spooky season!

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