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DoGcember 2020 Round-Up

Thank you so much for submitting your pictures to the DoG Street Journal's second annual DoGcember! This year we were honored to include 51 pictures of your adorable dogs in our weekly posts. We received entries from undergraduates, grad students, law students, professors, staff, and parents of students. If you haven't already, check out and feel free to share around the links to each week of DoGcember below:

(Staff Pets): Daphne, Quaker and Cici, Lacey, Woody,

Ohana and Ellie, Cash, and (honorary non-dog) Leia

Kolby, Zelda and Fitz, Foxy, Snoopy, Maggie (1),

Jasper, Luca, and Maggie (2)

Charlie, Vegas, Kane, Ellie and Ohana

Foxy (2), Mr. Parker, Penny, Benji, Tilley, Duke,

Cagney and Roosevelt, Rocky, Kumo, and Buddy

From these 51 pictures, 14 of these were "festive" photos to be considered for our DoGcember 2020 cover contest. The DSJ staff voted on the cover photo this week, and the results were so close we had to do a run-off vote. It is undeniable that all of these dogs are deserving of the cover dog title, so we focused our voting on what picture would look the best as our DoGcember cover.

By the popular vote, the winner is...Charlie!!!

(@charlie_barkmon on Instagram)

And the runner-up is...Buddy!

Congratulations to our winner and thank you once again to everyone who contributed to DoGcember this year--DoGcember wouldn't be possible without your support!

Wishing you and your dogs all the best into the new year!

-The DoG Street Journal

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