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Letter from the Editor (Dec)

By Dana Armstrong | Editor-in-Chief

Originally published in the Dog Street Journal's December "DoGcember" 2019 issue.

Happy winter, happy holidays, and welcome to our first annual DoGcember issue!

The idea for an entirely dog-themed issue has been in the works for over a year now. It stems from our name (the DoG Street Journal), the tremendous love for dogs among the student body, and my personal desire to spread all the joy, love, and good vibes that dogs bring into this world to campus. Given that we’re all put through a week and a half of high-octane stress during December—courtesy of finals—I couldn’t think of a better time to release this themed issue. If this magazine gives you an endorphin boost and nice little study break within the

craziness of finals, the DoGcember issue will be a success.

It is with my greatest pleasure that I introduce to you our first dog (besides our adorable cover dog) of the issue. Above, you will see pictures of Lacey! She is a 13-year-old terrier mix who my family and I adopted from a local shelter nearly a decade ago.

I’m sure everyone thinks their dog is the most special and unique, but Lacey is certainly the weirdest. I believe she’s half-cat and a total tomboy. She affectionately licks everything she can including your hands and face, her own paws, and the occasional table leg or couch cushion in passing. Her hair is constantly a mess, no matter how many times you brush it. We affectionately call her “Velcrow” due to the frequency in which burrs, sticks, and leaves stick to her hair.

If dogs could wear braces, Lacey would be the perfect candidate. Her crossbite and crooked little teeth are certainly a sight to behold. The only thing she may hate more than going to the vet’s office or avoiding motion sickness in a car are her paws being touched. This little dog knows how to shriek and isn’t afraid to let you know when she isn’t happy. She whimpers and groans when she’s bored and gives undoubtedly the loudest ‘welcome home’ you could ever imagine. Needless to say, she can also be a very loud snorer.

She’s at her happiest when on walks with her family, snuggling up right next to you on the couch for a nap, or on her nighttime adventures in the woods. She’s fiesty, affectionate, thrill-seeking, and the closest living being I’ve ever had to a sibling.

I spent my Thanksgiving break taking masses of pictures of her—partly in response to the hoards of photogenic dogs we received for our student submission section. (Thank you!!!) Lacey is the most photo-shy dog ever, and believe me when I tell you I’ve been trying to take a decent picture of her for years. Although I don’t think a picture will ever be able to do her justice, I hope you can enjoy three of the highlights of our photoshoot.

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